Friday, June 27, 2008

Meeting Cooter

Geddy and a co-worker drove to Atlanta last night to talk business with an old friend he'd never met before, Ben Jones -- Cooter from "The Dukes of Hazzard."

Mr. Jones has written a book called Redneck Boy in the Promised Land: The Confessions of "Crazy Cooter," and Geddy met him at a book signing. Way back when we had cable and/or DirecTV, our kiddos got hooked on reruns of the Dukes, and the boys frequently play a PS2 game featuring the the Dukes and their General Lee. Cooter is no stranger to them.

Imagine their delight (being genetically inclined rednecks) when their daddy brought home a copy of Mr. Jones' book with the following inscription: "To 'Larry,' 'Curly Sue' and 'Moe,' the Bo, Luke and Daisy of Carrollton. Ben Jones, aka 'Cooter.'"

Better still, Mr. Jones extracted a solid promise from G that he will let him meet the three of them when he comes down to work on his business with G's company.

He really is a good old boy!

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