Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Grocery day is looming

I have to go grocery shopping Friday and I don't wanna.

Grocery shopping used to be my favorite thing. I loved using coupons, looking for sales, triumphantly returning from six different stores with free and almost-free items.

And then food allergies took over our life.

And gas prices shot through the roof.

Now, it's all about trying to squeeze organic/local fruits and vegetables, meats, eggs and dairy into a previously tiny grocery budget. The budget had to grow and we're feeling it. Factor in a new commitment to healthier personal care products (see Skin Deep), and we're spending more than ever just to eat and stay clean.

I am so thankful for the blessing of a good salary but I still feel oddly guilty using more of it to buy less health-harming groceries. However, when I see that the combination of allergy immunotherapy and better food/toiletries results in noticeably healthier children, I am determined to continue down this path.

Before the past couple of weeks, I hadn't been seriously ill since 2003. I think it's time I started working on my health as well!

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