Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A good day for a do-over

Things went smoothly this morning. I got up on time, showered, got the children ready -- with G's help -- and dropped them off at Youth Police Academy. Got home, knocked out the rest of the church newsletter (which was actually due yesterday, and I loathe missing deadlines!) and sent it.

Only it didn't go. Even after my mom arrived for our big never-happens-anymore day out, it was still sitting there on the computer, not going. Two hours later, I had to deliver it by hand on a flash drive. Mama and I had about 15 minutes in one store before we needed to leave to meet Daddy for lunch.

And mercy, was lunch another story. We normally like Wendy's, but between today's slimy salads (yes, saladS -- more than one!) and cooled and congealed junior bacon cheeseburger, it'll be awhile before I have a taste for that place again.

Things took a better turn when we dropped by Fred's, but we scooted out of there quickly so we could get the van washed. Again, a good experience. We were finally almost to the store we really wanted to shop, with time to spare before we had to pick up the children from YPA, when I got a call on my cell.

"Hey, B, it's Glenn. Curly Sue is here at the waterpark and she's wanting to come home. She's sick."

I knew it. She seemed to be catching a little cold yesterday, and if she wanted to call from the waterpark to come home, she really is sick. And, as it turns out, feverish as well.

We picked up all three lambs, went by the police department to pick up their stuff, and came home...to about 30 gargantuan hornets buzzing around our front walkway and wall. The same wall on which I emptied two cans of hornet spray yesterday. (I don't use pesticides normally, but I considered six-inch stinging insects a definite health risk for my uber-allergic children.)

Not only do I need a do-over, I need a nap!


Angela McRae said...

OK, please don't be made because I can see you're busy, but ...

I tagged you on my blog today! If you have a moment, please visit and play along!

Rhonda said...

OK, please don't get really mad now, but I tagged you, too! :>) I know you actually only have to do it once, but not very many people I actually know have a blog, and I didn't really want to tag a stranger.