Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Revenge of the maple syrup

We've become convinced that plastic water bottles are bad for the children, so we got rid of ours. We'd love to buy Kleen Kanteens but they are out of immediate reach budget-wise, and with warmer weather and hot, sweaty, thirsty children upon us, we were left scrambling for alternatives.

Fortunately, I've been saving all of my glass containers for re-use, so I came up with two maple syrup bottles and two Promised Land milk bottles. Perfect, and the lambs love them!

Except that I didn't remove the labels.

I came through the kitchen a couple of days ago and noticed Moe drinking tea out of a maple syrup bottle. Except he was making a funny face.

Because he was drinking the actual maple syrup, that's why.

He said, "This tea tastes funny!" and I told him to put the syrup down and back away from the refrigerator. And then I spent 20 minutes scrubbing labels off drinking bottles.

Because we're turning green, that's why!


Angela McRae said...

OK, that is a hilarious story! I soooo love that Moe even said "this tea tastes funny." I'm sure it did!

Robin said...

I've been thinking about glass bottles for water too, but am afraid of breakage. I thought about wrapping the bottles with duct tape, but decided I'd be reintroducing a bunch of chemicals I'm trying to avoid.


Great story.