Friday, August 22, 2008

Lordy, lordy

I hit my 40s yesterday!

Hey, I don't mind admitting it...I figure I've earned every year of it. It's sort of a relief, really. Some of us spend the last half of our 30s dreading turning 40, so when the big day rolls around, you feel like you've finally made it.

We did some schoolwork, worked on some glaring character issues and took a nap yesterday. Red Lobster was dinner and Coldstone Creamery dessert, and in between we spent some time at Barnes and Noble. We even had time to run through BJs, comparing prices to see if a membership would be worth the fee.

Tomorrow we are heading to my parents' house for a traditional spaghetti dinner and Sunday after church we will go to my cousin's house to welcome home her newly graduated Marine son.

See? Life goes on. Here's to the 40s!

1 comment:

Angela McRae said...

Hey there, and happy belated b'day! I was just looking to see if the b'day comment I left last night had appeared (left it on the previous post), and alas, no. I seem to be having some "comment posting issues" lately, even though I can blog just fine. (I have your e-mail address on autofill at the office, but I couldn't remember it to e-mail you last night!) At any rate, welcome to this fine, fine decade. Enjoy!