Saturday, August 16, 2008

I've made a lot of boneheaded decisions in my life...

...but enrolling the children in Georgia Virtual Academy is not one of them.

We started school Wednesday and it was brilliant. Not to say perfect, because communication still is an issue and we don't have history materials yet. In terms of how it works inside our home, though, it's a great fit.

My anti-math seventh-grader now says pre-algebra is his favorite subject. All three children are learning to work within a deadline and scheduling is helping us all. Even with a nasty cold working its way through the family, we nailed the school thing.



Robin said...


I hope it continues to be such a good fit for your family.

Nellie the Great said...

Congratulations!! Please don't hesitate to ask any questions if you need any help. I don't know a lot, but somehow we managed to make it through last year at GVA. ;)