Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Search my heart, O God

In the movie Twister, Philip Seymour Hoffman plays a slightly off-center storm chaser named Dusty who is asked to "explain to her why you are...the way you are."

In everyday life, I feel as though I'm doing the same thing to myself. I joke that if anyone ever spent time with my mother, my grandmother or any of my aunts they would know why I am...the way I am, and truly that's not far off the mark (think dark family secrets). Why did I say that? Why did I react that way? Why, why, why?

Because God uses everything to His glory, I don't really have to know why. It's amazing, though to be 40 years old and still discovering things about myself. I'm reading a book that I guess could be classified as a Christian self-help book -- hey, it's cheaper than a therapist! -- and it's laying me open. Very, very uncomfortable. Before, I never really knew how bound I was by childhood experiences.

That's not to say I'm "cured," or that I need to be. But any time you realize that you are not loving people to your full potential or in the appropriate ways, it's definitely something that needs to be addressed.

In a time of economic insecurity when love may be all a person has to offer, it certainly makes sense to work on that particular skill!

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