Friday, March 14, 2008

I think I'm addicted to Jane Austen

Earlier in the year, I broke down and finally read Pride and Prejudice, which I really liked. I have a rule about reading a book if possible before seeing a movie, and when I found out Emma Thompson had done the Sense and Sensibility movie, well, I had to read that one as well.

Browsing the shelves, I ran across Persuasion. By the time I finished that one, I was completely hooked. I started Emma today and have Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park on hold at the library.

I started the year off with George Eliot's Middlemarch, which took me awhile to finish, and I suspect my next foray will be into Silas Marner and The Mill on the Floss. This year's reading challenges are shot because few of these are novels I listed as intended reads, but I have greatly enjoyed all so far.

If I'm not completely burned out and needing to re-read The Lord of the Rings Trilogy and The Hobbit by then, I might try some Dickens. Who knows?

And have I said lately how much I love my library?


Anonymous said...

I suggest you read George Eliot's Adam Bede, before you read the others. It's one of my favorite books ever. If you've already read it, you know what I'm talking about and may disregard this message. :)
PS I love Jane Austen, too.

A crash of rhinos said...

Thanks, Denise! I haven't read it, but I will make that one the next Eliot on my list.

Anonymous said...

You won't be sorry! :) Be sure to post about how you liked it when you're done reading it.