Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Dinosaurs and times-fours

A lack of discernment caused major discombobulation this a.m. I was to collect Nannie after an in-office endoscopy, but when she said the office was in a building across from Walgreen's, I heard Wal-Mart. The kind of panicked running-around that ensued was worthy of It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World. Pure humor, now that she's safely home. And when finally I saw her sweet, smiling face and heard a good report from the procedure, I remembered to thank God that my mama is with us still.

See, five babies are without their mama now. Karen died of breast cancer a few days ago. She was younger than I and we had mutual friends, but I never got to know her. I understand she was a treasure and her death has saddened me. Geddy lost his mama in June to uterine cancer and we are still missing her and always will. Karen's babies are little and their parents' faith will sustain them, but they are already missing her and always will.

Two good things happened to me yesterday. Geraldine, the free cookie lady at our market, took the time to tell me what fine children I have. I agreed and thanked her. After all, they took the time to help a lady unload her pigeons at the post office and pushed another lady's buggy back into the store for her. Later, a fellow dance mom told me how sweet she thinks I am and how she loves watching me interact with everyone at class. I think I'm just overly chatty, but I surely appreciated the sentiment.

Today is Halloween, from which we are gently extracting our children. We did schoolwork as usual today, except that Nannie was with us and got to help Curly Sue learn her four times tables. We are leaving candy for the neighborhood trick-or-treaters and heading to church ourselves. For lunch, we are eating chicken nuggets in dinosaur shapes. While I'm fairly certain that no part of a real chicken lends itself to T-Rex-ish dimensions, I comfort myself with the knowledge that in this case, it's more about the company than the quality of the food.

Because their mama is still here to eat it with them.