Monday, December 17, 2007

Toys for Tots

Three very tired children are hitting the bed in the L household shortly, and I could not be prouder as I tuck them in tonight.

We all got up at 4 a.m. to help shop for Toys for Tots and got home about an hour ago from the local organizers' warehouse, where we helped fill orders for distribution. Our 11, 8 and 6-year-olds worked like adults tonight for a Chick-Fil-A sandwich and a deep drink from the well of knowledge.

Filling a bag for a child and understanding that what's inside is a child's entire Christmas has done more for them than any number of sermons, lectures or abstract reminders of their own good fortune. And they've answered their own question:

"If Santa loves all boys and girls, why do we need Toys for Tots?"
"Because one of his gifts to us is the ability to bless others."
"Oh. Santa must have learned that trick from Jesus."