Monday, December 15, 2008

Happy 40th birthday to me...belatedly

This tattoo is what I gave myself for my 40th birthday. It only took four months to work up the courage. It's not very pretty right now. Apparently it takes awhile for the haze to clear up and I only got it done Friday. It's not anywhere "private" -- it's on my back near my left shoulder so I can either show it or cover it.

The "B" is for my brother Ben, who lived out his 43 years not caring too much what other people thought of him.

Did it hurt? Hmmm...hard to describe. It's like a cat constantly scratching you while you're being massaged. Odd. Pretty sore for a couple of days. I had my nose pierced at the same time, which pinched a little at the time but has not been sore since. I like it even better than the tattoo.

Yes, I know -- you're fainting from the shock. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth until it passes.


Misty said...

I got my nose pierced in August:)

A crash of rhinos said...

I saw the photo on your blog. Now, when are you gettin' your tattoo???

Robin said...

I admire your bravery.

I've wanted to pierce the targus of my ears forever and can't get the guts up to do it.

Happy Birthday.

Misty said...

I have TWO tattoos. Where have you been? LOL!

A crash of rhinos said...

GAH! How did I miss that? I've gotta catch up! :o)