Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pulled back from the edge

I was ready to withdraw from Georgia Virtual Academy. I already had researched alternatives, bookmarked pages, made up courses of study and yakked at my poor husband for hours about unfulfilled promises and poor communication and the fact that, nearly seven weeks into the school year, my daughter still didn't have her history materials -- and the k12 representative said it was because "GVA had canceled the order." (GVA hadn't.)

Flamin' mad, I made up my mind to quit.

But, see, our family had made a commitment in March. It was a commitment to enroll in GVA and meet all its requirements for one school year, to see where it takes us. That commitment has to mean something, even if it's inconvenience, aggravation, headache and stress.

So Geddy and I decided to stick around. I prayed for peace and I was given it, and I dug in my heels and gritted my teeth and opened a book for the rest of the ride home from the beach.

I started laughing when we pulled into the driveway and a package from k12 was waiting on the porch.

'Cause God honors commitment, y'all.

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